Some Stuff About Me ......

I live in Harrogate, North Yorkshire with my wonderful wife and soul-mate Helen. I have two incredible sons - Evan and Matthew - who are occasionally show up at home, usually when they're hungry or need money. The three of them are the best thing that ever happened to me and I love them all. I spent over 24 years in the Royal Navy, but since I packed it all in and got a proper job my life has gone from strength to strength and I've never looked back. I am a die-hard soul music fan, but my heart truly belongs in the fells of Northern England, it's what I was made for. Please read about my adventures and experiences ....

Sunday, 5 June 2011

I Think I'm Beginning to Understand .....

So, the Ripon Triathlon approaches and I'm beginning to panic.  Little training done and I really don't want to make an arse of myself, therefore last week (once my legs had recovered from our weekend in the Lakes) saw me hit the pool and the bike with a vengeance.  Did a benign(-ish) 35 miles on the bike yesterday, albeit in quite hilly country, and was surprised at how knackered I felt on my run today.  I mean, really weary.  Maybe I've been fooling myself all these years?  I hope this training period brings positive results ....

Just found this on You Tube.  What a lovely chunk of soul, please enjoy ....

1 comment:

Jackie Buxton said...

Wahey! You're blogging. Love it! Am following now.