Some Stuff About Me ......

I live in Harrogate, North Yorkshire with my wonderful wife and soul-mate Helen. I have two incredible sons - Evan and Matthew - who are occasionally show up at home, usually when they're hungry or need money. The three of them are the best thing that ever happened to me and I love them all. I spent over 24 years in the Royal Navy, but since I packed it all in and got a proper job my life has gone from strength to strength and I've never looked back. I am a die-hard soul music fan, but my heart truly belongs in the fells of Northern England, it's what I was made for. Please read about my adventures and experiences ....

Wednesday, 22 January 2014


Harriers interval training last night and there were loads of us, we have had so many new members of late that I wonder how we're going to cope with the increased volume at training sessions. I suppose it's a nice problem to have!   Anyhow, a fairly short session which suited me, my legs still feel a bit tired from the Hebden on Saturday. High intensity though, I was chasing a clubmate back up the hill at the end of the session and see from my Garmin log that I damn nearly maxed out my HR, that's not good is it? I don't know why I succumb to such temptations. Max HR that I saw in 2013 was 183, so 181 last night is not big or clever and will do absolutely no good.

Full hour training with swim partner Emma this morning, we're just building back up to the sort of sessions we were knocking out late last year and it hurts. Warm-up, breathing pyramid (3-4-5-4-3) then 3 sets of 3 x 4 off 2m45s (it's a 30m pool). By the time we were into the third set, pretty much all form had disappeared and I was hanging on to her heels for dear life. Bloody hard work.

On a positive note, I have tomorrow afternoon off and rain or shine Helen and I are going to head over to the loveliness of Calderdale and do a bit of Wadsworth Trog recce, probably followed by tea in a local boozer. Also - and changing subject somewhat - we had some very positive news last night insomuch as my youngest son received a hefty sum via the CICA (Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority) following the little fracas back in 2012 when his jaw was broken in four places during a night out in Leeds. The scum-sucking ars*wipe who was responsible for this is still doing time in one of popular prisons by the way, I do hope he's enjoying it.

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